Empowering you to live the faith-fuelled life you were made for.

Designed in Heaven. Made in Australia. Crafted in California.

As kids, Alex and Grace were both super shy only children.

Growing up, Grace struggled with perfectionism, people-pleasing, and being constantly overwhelmed and overstretched.

Alex went through his own trials of chasing corporate success, rewiring his mind and emotions, and overcoming generational strongholds.

But Jesus changed everything for them both.

Fast forward years later. They both happened to join a Facebook group created by an inspirational YouTube channel, Jubilee Media.

Their intention wasn’t to find their better halves, but simply to be inspired by stories shared & check out this online community.

At the time, Grace lived in Australia, and Alex was in Southern California.

By human understanding, the odds of this couple being together were very slim.

But in a series of divinely orchestrated events, Grace introduced herself on the Jubilee page and sparked Alex's interest in a beautiful woman in awe of her outward faith and desire for God.

On their very first video call, they were surprised to find they both shared the same life mission: to use their real-life stories and experiences to help lead others closer to Jesus!

Over the following four months, they got to know one another virtually, exchanging countless stories, deep conversations, and laughs… Then Alex took the risk & flew to an unfamiliar continent to meet a woman he'd never met before!

Through several life transitions, that initial spark grew into a flame, and then into a steady fire, as Alex & Grace chose to keep burning together for God for the rest of their lives.

Alex & Grace continue to be radically transformed by Jesus and are both passionate about using their lives to help others experience the same.

“We love each other because he loved us first.”

— 1 John 4:19

Let’s grow together!

Some fun facts…