episode Grace & Alex Tran episode Grace & Alex Tran

Episode 58: How I Went From STRESSED Corporate Workaholic to RELAXED Pregnant Entrepreneur (TESTIMONY)

Grace grew up thinking it normal to work late nights (all the time), pack her schedule, push her body to its limits.

This kind of lifestyle had been glorified in the fast-paced, Ivy-League-striving Bay Area where she'd grown up.

And still... it was never enough. But she kept pushing through anyway, to "maximize" her life and impact.

But what she DIDN'T realize were all the HIDDEN costs she was incurring over the years...

  • Chronic stress from the endless to-do's.

  • Constant guilt for not doing more for more people.

  • Depletion, low energy, mood swings from sleep deprivation, stress eating, lack of self-care and TRUE, deep soul rest.

  • All the stress her body was storing.

  • The unexplainable itchy rashes, fainting spells, even a seizure.

  • Scary 9-1-1 calls and ER visits...

Fast forward to today...

We're both full-time entrepreneurs amidst a very different yet also very similar world of hustle culture, high stakes and even MORE pressure, opportunities to endlessly work and burn ourselves to the ground...

But thank God... we've learned a BETTER WAY to work - and LIVE.

If you've ever wondered:

"Is it NORMAL to wear busyness & perfectionism like a badge?"

"How do I get OUT of these cycles of chronic burnout, which my social events, hangouts, trips, PTO, Netflix, etc. just can't seem to fix?!"

"Why does Jesus tell us we can take his yoke AND live 'freely and lightly'? Is it too good to be true??"

We pray that this testimony episode encourages you. ❤️

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episode Grace & Alex Tran episode Grace & Alex Tran

Episode 51: Finishing Well: What I Learned From Leaving My Corporate Job

After nearly a decade in corporate tech, Alex very recently transitioned out to pursue something completely new... something that we've both felt God has been "setting up" for a while now!

Just 3 days after leaving his job, Alex shares the very real and raw challenges, obstacles, and fears he experienced in taking this big step of faith - but also what God showed and convicted him of in the process.

We also talk about the real temptation to "quiet quit" - and what ended up happening when Alex sensed God calling him to finish well and be bolder in ministering to his co-workers and managers.

We pray that these reflections would encourage you and inspire you with practical ideas for ways to be salt and light in your own workplace, spheres of influence, and transitional seasons, too!

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episode Grace & Alex Tran episode Grace & Alex Tran

Episode 50: "I'm Afraid To Be My REAL Self..." - Knowing & Thriving As Your AUTHENTIC Self!

What does it even mean to be our AUTHENTIC selves?

How do we know if we are (or aren't)?

What does NOT doing it really cost us?

And how do we PRACTICALLY navigate "self-discovery" God's way... and to live freely and fully as our TRUE selves?

We hope this conversation helps you know you're not alone; equips you to overcome the pressures to conform, social anxiety, and the temptations to hide; and empowers you to shine God's light BOLDLY and BRIGHTLY wherever you go!

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